Buy Yellow Diazepam Why does an “online video” go viral? All of a sudden a person, pet, or other object becomes the object of mass fascination. Why instantaneous sensations? Maybe it is timing, or meeting some critical mass of viewers, or perhaps these icons embody some deep need in our society. These icons tap into the deeper currents that always flow through our culture and society. The iPhone phenomena for example: One man’s vision to combine a phone with a computer created almost an unbelievable sensation. It tapped into our collective need for communication, knowledge and adventure. The world will never be the same. There are other smart phones, some of them with unique features that surpass the iPhone, but it is the iPhone brand that has captured the hearts and minds of the world. This is a case where the shear utility of device combined with its uniqueness lifted it to the status of a must have item almost immediately. While the Hummer can’t come close to causing the stir as the iPhone did, the Hummer in its own way, has messed with our psyche.

source The Hummer started out as the military’s replacement vehicle for the Jeep. It was Arnold Schwarzenegger who saw the HUMVEE and decided he wanted one. Schwarzenegger had finished Terminator 2 in 1991. At the height of his prominence as an action hero, he decided that this was his car… “Look at those deltoids; look at those calves”, Arnold’s comment upon having the first Hummer produced for civilian use in 1992. This whole story of how one man convinced a large military manufacture to build a one-off, a custom build of the HUMVEE captured the Nations imagination and he went on to become an even greater public figure. In his third year as “Governator” he decided he needed to get “Green”, so he sold off his entire fleet of Hummers ($950K).

go site GM purchased the Hummer in 1999, it produced the first H2s. GM produced three models: H1, H2 and H3. The H1 was built up until 2006, the H2 last model year was 2009.

source site The public’s reaction to the hummer was very interesting. While it had amazing appeal initially, as time went on, the public and even the man who made it all possible had apparent issues with the machine. It had nothing to do with the machine itself, but with fuel consumption. The Hummer was perceived to be wastefully at odds with American’s desire to rid itself of its reliance on overseas oil. The public perception for this vehicle changed… instead of seeing Arnold, the Terminator in the H2… many now saw an arrogant, wasteful, money-grubbing individuals who apparently had no concern for how much fuel their huge vehicle was consuming. Sales of Hummers dropped from 33,000 units in 2005 to just over 6,000 in 2008!! All of that probably would not have made a difference to the Limousine industry except that the Hummer is one of the few (Excursion is another) SUVs that actually make a great stretched Limousine on the basis of mechanical and structural integrity. Much of that has to do with the frame size of the H2. (Please note, in my opinion the H3 does not make a good long stretch machine, certainly not at 200 or more inches) The demise of the H2 in 2009 was not all that unexpected, with GM facing extinction and the increasing pressure to trim expense, to cull slower selling items, GM tried to sell and then decided to shelf the brand.

follow site This left the Limousine market in an awkward position. There are very few other SUVs that can actually handle a longer 200” stretch. The Escalade, Navigator, Expedition, other SUVs not quite as popular as these include the Yukon, Yukon-Denali, Accolade, Suburban and so on. The really nice thing about the H2 is that it is the same body style from start to finish in 2009. The Hummer as a limousine still fascinates people in a good way. Hummer limousine combines that sense of an aggressive Terminator machine with the feeling you get from being chauffeured in a 20 passenger limousine. The ‘standard stretch’ 200 inch H2 will hold between 16 & 22 people depending on the way the seating is configured.

go As long as customers keep calling asking for a Hummers, livery operators will buy them. The market for the stretch Hummers is still strong and it may be getting stronger. It is difficult to find H2s that are in good condition and that are priced right. The market demand drives the price and the price of H2 on the market has risen over the last 6 months. The best looking H2s I think are made by Tiffany, Krystal, Royale by Victor, Las Vegas CoachWorks, Legendary, some by Coastal, American Limousine. There are also some regional custom builders that do a great job with these vehicles. From my vantage point, I see basically two interior designs: 1) Wrap around seating, which look spacious and comfortable but hold a few less passenger then 2) Bench seating, which can fit more passengers but these can also be cramped.

source url Of course the interiors of these vehicles can have all types of configurations and options, from stainless steel headliners to raised roofs and lower floors, disco floors and ceilings, fireplaces, laser shows, large flat screen TVs, smoke machines, karaoke, stereo systems with enough power to lobotomize the occupants.

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follow The raised roof and lower floor are great options for the H2, it opens up the interior space, the above is a 2008 H2 built by American Custom Coach, it has 55,000 miles and is being offered at $75,000.

Cheap Valium For Sale Other cool options include jet doors, dually, and active extra axles. Some of these options are costly and it is easy to push up the price on an H2 way over $100K. Of course there are also 04/05 and 06 coaches out there that are priced less than $60K, less then the price of many luxury cars on the market. The 200” H2 is more than a ride, it is a luxurious fascination with an aggressive exterior and tremendous interiors.

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More than a Ride!
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3 thoughts on “More than a Ride!

  • October 26, 2016 at 10:34 am

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  • November 11, 2016 at 1:31 pm

    Buy Xanax From Uk Hi Kenny:

    Buy Cheap Valium Online Hope all is well. Just saw your kind note. Please let me know color and approximate budget and I will take a look around and see what is available and send you photos. Right now the only Hears I have is a black 2010 Krystal Cadillac with 65,000 miles. I don’t have a price on it yet but I can get it once the owner gets back from vacation.
    Thank you, Phil Cava