Buy Xanax Bulk Several of my customers actively supply funeral vehicles to local funeral homes.  It is excellent business to consider because its runs are generally in the morning or early afternoon.  Given the rising price of Hearses, the predominance of cremations and all the competition within the Funeral Industry itself, it is hard for most smaller funeral homes, which comprise the majority of Funeral Homes, to justify the expenditure on a new hearse in the  $100,000 range. Perfect rental opportunity! Screenshot (48) Resale values hold up.  Here is 2001 Deville Hearse that I just sold for $12,0000.  It has 67,000 miles and it is in very good condition.  One of the particularities about the Funeral Business is their reliance on Cadillac.   It is the industry standard, even though several funeral homes have switched over the Lincolns in recent years for many diverse reasons.

see Funeral homes pay well in most locations and there is typically plenty of opportunities to work.  The Funeral line also uses limousines, typically black/black  up to 70″ 6-doors are standard. They  also use 5-door limos, and other (generally black) limousines.   There is also a trend in Funeral Homes using Sprinters, there are even combination Sprinter/Hearses.  The limiting factor here is the size of the vehicle, these vehicles have to negotiate some narrow cemeteries. Some operators  dislike the Funeral Business because everyone is sad, typically these are the same operators that will not provide service to party groups.  I think these guys are limiting their business too much. Sure, if you can develop your business so you have a customer base that treats you as their private chauffeur,  as part of their family, more power to you.  It is hard to build that type of allegiance. most who do, work with older customers that appreciate the same familiar face when they need a limo.  Most younger customers are too price conscious. The Funeral Business offers an excellent opportunity to make good money during the day, instead of driving your brains out back and forth to the airport. Here is a 2009 Eagle Ultimate with $26,375 miles.  I know the owner, he keeps all his vehicles in excellent condition.  I am not certain what he paid for it but it must have been in the $75/80K range at time of purchase.  He now has it up for sale at $55,000 which is less than you will see it at Dealer location.

source url 2009 Eagle Ultimate Hearse 001  

enter The Funeral Business is not as simple as I have outlined it here, but it is a way to diversify your business, make money and have little wear and tear on vehicles. I have only said a little about the Funeral Business, there is really a lot to it.  Funeral cars are, to the best of my knowledge not typically controlled by either local, city of state oversight beyond the worthlessness of the vehicle itself.  🙂 Phil


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Why get into the Funeral Business

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